Majestic Chino Gateway

Majestic Chino Gateway Plaza – Chino, California

A 4.7 acre planned neighborhood retail center located on the heavily traveled Euclid Avenue Corridor (State Route 83), which connects the Pomona (60) Freeway and Chino Valley (71) Freeway.

High Daytime Population

  • 16 million square feet of business park with thousands of daytime employees (within 1 mile S/W)
  • Chino Airport: 170,000 annual aircraft operations (within 1 mile E)
  • Chaffey College: Chino Campus designed for 15,000 students (2 miles NW)


Average Daily Traffic Count

Street Current ADT
Kimball W of Euclid 22,200
Kimball E of Euclid 18,000
Euclid N of Kimball 33,600
Euclid S of Kimball 21,600
  Source: Crexi (2022)


Surrounded by Growing Residential

Dwelling Units
Distance from
MCG Plaza
The Preserve 9,700 1 mile SE
College Park 2,500 1.5 Miles N/NW
Ontario Ranch 46,000 1 – 3 miles NE
TOTAL 58,200  



Distance from MCG Plaza Est. Population (2022) Est. Average HH Income (2022)
3 Miles 59,400 $125,900
5 Miles 249,800 $110,100
10 Miles 1,000,000 $101,000
     Source: Popstats via (2022)


Local Map + Project Site Plan